Fund Name Ratings / Awards Type Ratings Awards
Acclaim Core Super Master Trust - Personal
Active Super - Account Based Pension Plan Industry - Allocated Pension
Active Super - Accumulation Scheme Industry - Non Public Offer
Active Super - MySuper Lifestage Product Industry - MySuper
Active Super - Personal Division Industry - Personal
AMG Personal - Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
AMG Personal - Super Master Trust - Personal
AMP SignatureSuper Master Trust - Corporate
AMP SignatureSuper - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
AMP SignatureSuper Allocated Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
AMP SignatureSuper Personal Superannuation Master Trust - Personal
ANZ Smart Choice - Emp Master Trust - Corporate
ANZ Smart Choice - Pers Master Trust - Personal
ANZ Smart Choice Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
ANZ Smart Choice Super - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
ANZ Staff Super - Account Based Pension Corporate - Allocated Pension
ANZ Staff Super - MySuper Corporate - MySuper
ANZ Staff Super - Section A Corporate
Asgard Allocated Pension Account - SMAF Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard Elements Allocated Pension Account Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard Elements Superannuation Account Master Trust - Personal
Asgard eWRAP Allocated Pension Account Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard eWRAP Super Account Master Trust - Personal
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Allocated Pension Account (Core Package) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Allocated Pension Account (Full Package) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Allocated Pension Account (Select Package) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account (Core Package) Master Trust - Personal
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account (Full Package) Master Trust - Personal
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account (Select Package) Master Trust - Personal
Asgard Open eWRAP Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asgard Open eWRAP Super Master Trust - Personal
Asgard Superannuation Account - SMAF Master Trust - Personal
Asset Administrator - Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Asset Administrator - Super Master Trust - Personal
Australian Defence Force Superannuation Government
Australian Defence Force Superannuation - MySuper Government - MySuper
Australian Ethical Retail Superannuation Fund - Account Based Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Australian Ethical Retail Superannuation Fund - Employer Master Trust - Corporate
Australian Ethical Retail Superannuation Fund - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Australian Ethical Retail Superannuation Fund - Personal Master Trust - Personal
Australian Food Super Employer Industry - Public Offer
Australian Food Super MySuper Industry - MySuper
Australian Food Super Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
Australian Food Super Personal Industry - Personal
Australian Retirement Trust - QSuper - Accumulation Account Government
Australian Retirement Trust - QSuper - Lifetime Government - MySuper
Australian Retirement Trust - QSuper - Retirement Income Account Government - Allocated Pension
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - Accumulation Account Industry - Public Offer
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - Retirement Income Account Industry - Allocated Pension
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings Business - Accumulation Account Industry - Public Offer
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings Corporate - Accumulation Account Corporate
AustralianSuper Industry - Public Offer
AustralianSuper - MySuper Industry - MySuper
AustralianSuper - Select Industry - Non Public Offer
AustralianSuper Choice Income Account Industry - Allocated Pension
AustralianSuper Personal Plan Industry - Personal
Aware Super Future Saver Industry - Public Offer
Aware Super Future Saver - Ambulance Officers Industry - Non Public Offer
Aware Super Future Saver - MySuper Lifecycle Industry - MySuper
Aware Super Future Saver - Police Blue Ribbon Industry - Non Public Offer
Aware Super Retirement Income Industry - Allocated Pension
Bendigo SmartStart Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Bendigo SmartStart Super Master Trust - Personal
Bendigo SmartStart Super - Bendigo MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Bendigo SmartStart Super - Employer-sponsored Division Master Trust - Corporate
Brighter Super - Accumulation Account Industry - Public Offer
Brighter Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Brighter Super - Pension Account Industry - Allocated Pension
BT Panorama - Pension Compact Menu Master Trust - Allocated Pension
BT Panorama - Pension Full Menu Master Trust - Allocated Pension
BT Panorama - Super Compact Menu Master Trust - Personal
BT Panorama - Super Full Menu Master Trust - Personal
BUSSQ - Premium Choice Industry - Personal
BUSSQ Income Account Industry - Allocated Pension
BUSSQ MySuper Industry - MySuper
CareSuper Industry - Public Offer
CareSuper Corporate Industry - Non Public Offer
CareSuper MySuper Industry - MySuper
CareSuper Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
CareSuper Personal Plan Industry - Personal
Catholic Super Industry - Public Offer
Catholic Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Catholic Super - Personal Plan Industry - Personal
Catholic Super - Retirement Income Industry - Allocated Pension
Cbus - Growth (MySuper) Industry - MySuper
Cbus Corporate Super Corporate
Cbus Industry Super Industry - Public Offer
Cbus Personal Super Industry - Personal
Cbus Sole Trader Industry - Personal
Cbus Super Income Stream Industry - Allocated Pension
Child Care Super - MyMix Master Trust - Personal
Child Care Super - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
ClearView WealthFoundations - Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Colonial First State - FirstChoice Employer Super Master Trust - Corporate
Colonial First State - FirstChoice Super MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Colonial First State - FirstChoice Wholesale Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Colonial First State - FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super Master Trust - Personal
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation retirement income Government - Allocated Pension
Cruelty Free Super Master Trust - Personal
CSC PSS accumulation plan Government
CSC PSSap - MySuper Government - MySuper
ElectricSuper - Retirement Income Stream Industry - Allocated Pension
ElectricSuper Accumulation (Division 5) Industry - Non Public Offer
Equip Super - MyFuture Industry - Public Offer
Equip Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Equip Super - Retirement Income Industry - Allocated Pension
Essential Super Master Trust - Personal
Essential Super - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
ESSSuper - Accumulation Plan Government
ESSSuper - Beneficiary Account Government - Personal
ESSSuper - Retirement Income Stream Government - Allocated Pension
Expand Essential Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Expand Essential Super Master Trust - Personal
Expand Extra Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Expand Extra Super Master Trust - Personal
Fire and Emergency Services Superannuation Fund - Accumulation Account Government
First Super - Allocated Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
First Super - Industry Industry - Public Offer
First Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
FirstWrap Plus Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
FirstWrap Plus Super Master Trust - Personal
Freedom of Choice - Employer Superannuation Service Master Trust - Corporate
Freedom of Choice - Personal Retirement Service Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Freedom of Choice - Personal Superannuation Service Master Trust - Personal
Future Super Master Trust - Personal
Future Super Pension Plan Master Trust - Allocated Pension
GESB Retirement Income Allocated Pension Government - Allocated Pension
GESB Super Government
GESB-West State Super Government
Goldman Sachs & JBWere Superannuation Fund - MySuper Corporate - MySuper
Goldman Sachs JBWere - Account Based Pension Corporate - Allocated Pension
GuildPension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
GuildSuper - MyMix Master Trust - Corporate
GuildSuper - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
HESTA - Industry Super Plan Industry - Public Offer
HESTA - MySuper Industry - MySuper
HESTA - Personal Super Plan Industry - Personal
HESTA Income Stream Industry - Allocated Pension
Hostplus Executive Industry - Non Public Offer
Hostplus Pension Plan Industry - Allocated Pension
Hostplus Personal Super Plan Industry - Personal
Hostplus Superannuation Fund Industry - Public Offer
Hostplus Superannuation Fund - MySuper Industry - MySuper
HUB24 Super Fund - Account Based Pension (Choice Menu) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
HUB24 Super Fund - Account Based Pension (Core Menu) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
HUB24 Super Fund - Account Based Pension (Discover Menu) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
HUB24 Super Fund - Personal Super (Choice Menu) Master Trust - Personal
HUB24 Super Fund - Personal Super (Core Menu) Master Trust - Personal
HUB24 Super Fund - Personal Super (Discover Menu) Master Trust - Personal
IOOF Employer Super (Core Menu) Master Trust - Corporate
IOOF Employer Super (Full Menu) Master Trust - Corporate
IOOF Employer Super - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
IOOF Pension (Core Menu) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
IOOF Pension (Full Menu) Master Trust - Allocated Pension
IOOF Personal Super (Core Menu) Master Trust - Personal
IOOF Personal Super (Full Menu) Master Trust - Personal
Kogan Super Master Trust - Personal
legalsuper Industry - Public Offer
legalsuper MySuper Balanced Industry - MySuper
legalsuper Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
legalsuper Personal Industry - Personal
Living Super Master Trust - Personal
Living Super - Pension Account Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Macquarie Wrap - Pension Consolidator Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Macquarie Wrap - Pension Consolidator 2 Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Macquarie Wrap - Pension Manager Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Macquarie Wrap - Pension Manager 2 Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Macquarie Wrap - Super Accumulator Master Trust - Personal
Macquarie Wrap - Super Consolidator Master Trust - Personal
Macquarie Wrap - Super Consolidator 2 Master Trust - Personal
Macquarie Wrap - Super Manager Master Trust - Personal
Macquarie Wrap - Super Manager 2 Master Trust - Personal
Meat Industry Employees Superannuation Fund Industry - Non Public Offer
Meat Industry Employees Superannuation Fund - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Meat Industry Employees' Super Fund - Allocated Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
Media Super - Growth (MySuper) Industry - MySuper
Media Super Corporate Corporate
Media Super Industry Industry - Public Offer
Media Super Personal Industry - Personal
Media Super Sole Trader Industry - Personal
Mercer Portfolio Allocated Pension Account Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Mercer Portfolio Super Account- Category 1 Master Trust - Personal
Mercer Portfolio Super Account- Category 2 Master Trust - Personal
Mercer SmartPath - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Mercer SmartRetirement Income Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Mercer Super Trust - Corporate Superannuation Division Master Trust - Corporate
Mine Super Industry - Public Offer
Mine Super AP Industry - Allocated Pension
Mine Super MySuper Industry - MySuper
MLC MasterKey Business Super Master Trust - Corporate
MLC MasterKey Business Super - MLC MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
MLC MasterKey Pension Fundamentals Master Trust - Allocated Pension
MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals Master Trust - Personal
MyNorth AP - Select Master Trust - Allocated Pension
MyNorth AP - Choice Master Trust - Allocated Pension
MyNorth Super - Choice Master Trust - Personal
MyNorth Super - Select Master Trust - Personal
Nationwide Super - Employer Sponsored Division Master Trust - Personal
Nationwide Super - Employer Sponsored Division MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Nationwide Super - Personal Division Master Trust - Personal
NESS Account Based Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
NESS Super Industry - Public Offer
NESS Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
netwealth Super Accelerator Core - Employer Sponsored Super Master Trust - Corporate
netwealth Super Accelerator Core - Personal Super Master Trust - Personal
netwealth Super Accelerator Core - Standard Income Stream Master Trust - Allocated Pension
netwealth Super Accelerator Plus - Employer Sponsored Super Master Trust - Corporate
netwealth Super Accelerator Plus - Personal Super Master Trust - Personal
netwealth Super Accelerator Plus - Standard Income Stream Master Trust - Allocated Pension
NGS Super - Income Account Industry - Allocated Pension
NGS Super - Industry Plan Industry - Public Offer
NGS Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
North Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
North Super Master Trust - Personal
Nucleus Super Master Trust - Personal
Omniport Superannuation Master Trust - Personal
OnePath OneAnswer Frontier Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
OnePath OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super Master Trust - Personal
Perpetual Select Pension Plan Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Perpetual Select Superannuation Plan Master Trust - Personal
Perpetual WealthFocus Pension Plan Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Perpetual WealthFocus Super Plan Master Trust - Personal
Plum Personal Plan Master Trust - Personal
Plum Retirement Income Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Plum Super Master Trust - Corporate
Plum Super - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Praemium SuperSMA Account Based Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Praemium SuperSMA Accumulation Account Master Trust - Personal
Prime Super Industry - Public Offer
Prime Super Education Division Industry - Public Offer
Prime Super Health Division Industry - Non Public Offer
Prime Super MySuper Industry - MySuper
Prime Super Retirement Income Stream Industry - Allocated Pension
Qantas Super - Division 6 Corporate
Qantas Super Gateway Corporate
Qantas Super Gateway - Income Account Corporate - Allocated Pension
Qantas Super Gateway - MySuper Corporate - MySuper
REI Super Industry - Public Offer
REI Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
REI Super Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
Rest Corporate Corporate
Rest Corporate - MySuper Corporate - MySuper
Rest Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
Rest Super Industry - Public Offer
Rest Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
RLA Allocated Pension Plan Master Trust - Allocated Pension
RLA Personal Super Plan Master Trust - Personal
Russell iQ Retirement Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Russell iQ Super - Employer Master Trust - Corporate
Russell iQ Super - For Life Master Trust - Personal
Russell iQ Super - MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Simple Choice Super Master Trust - Personal
Slate Super Master Trust - Personal
smartMonday MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
smartMonday PENSION Master Trust - Allocated Pension
smartMonday PRIME Master Trust - Corporate
Spaceship Super Master Trust - Personal
Spirit Super Industry - Public Offer
Spirit Super (Default B) Industry - Public Offer
Spirit Super (Default B) - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Spirit Super Control Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
Spirit Super MySuper Industry - MySuper
Student Super Professional Super Master Trust - Personal
Super SA - Flexible Rollover Product Government - Personal
Super SA - Income Stream Government - Allocated Pension
Super SA - Select Government
Super SA - Triple S Scheme Government
Super Series - Accumulation Master Trust - Personal
Super Series - Income Stream Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Super Simplifier – Personal Super Master Trust - Personal
Super Simplifier – Standard Account-Based Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Superhero Super Master Trust - Personal
TelstraSuper Corporate Plus Corporate
TelstraSuper Corporate Plus MySuper Corporate - MySuper
TelstraSuper Personal Plus Corporate - Personal
TelstraSuper Personal Plus MySuper Corporate - MySuper
TelstraSuper RetireAccess Corporate - Allocated Pension
TWUSUPER - Balanced (MySuper) Industry - MySuper
TWUSUPER - Industry Industry - Public Offer
TWUSUPER - TransPension Industry - Allocated Pension
TWUSUPER - TransPersonal Industry - Personal
TWUSUPER - Transuper (Corporate Division) Industry - Non Public Offer
UniSuper - Flexi Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
UniSuper Accumulation - MySuper Industry - MySuper
UniSuper Accumulation Super (1) Industry - Public Offer
UniSuper Accumulation Super (2) Industry - Public Offer
UniSuper Personal Account Industry - Public Offer
Vanguard MySuper Master Trust - MySuper
Vanguard Super SaveSmart Master Trust - Personal
Verve Super Master Trust - Personal
Virgin Money Super Master Trust - Personal
Virgin Money Super - LifeStage Tracker Master Trust - MySuper
Vision Personal Industry - Personal
Vision Super - Account Based Pension Industry - Allocated Pension
Vision Super - MySuper Industry - MySuper
Vision Super Saver Industry - Public Offer
Voyage Superannuation Master Trust - Allocated Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Voyage Superannuation Master Trust - Superannuation & Rollover Master Trust - Personal
Zurich Account Based Pension Master Trust - Allocated Pension
Zurich Superannuation Plan Master Trust - Personal

Ratings are published by by SuperRatings Pty Ltd (SuperRatings) ABN 95 100 192 283 a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No.1309956) of Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561, AFSL No. 421445 (Lonsec Research). Ratings are general advice only and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your personal circumstances, objectives, financial situation and needs, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and SuperRatings assumes no obligation to update. SuperRatings uses objective criteria and receives a fee for publishing awards. ©2024 SuperRatings. All rights reserved.